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Unlawful Cutting of Trees



The Royal Shores Community Association (RSCA) has been notified that several pine tree saplings have been cut down -- without permission and illegally -- in the Reserve A and on City of Houston property behind the junction of August Hill Drive and Baron Grove Drive in the Courts section of Royal Shores. It is unlawful for anyone --resident or non-resident-- to cut any trees or any form of vegetation on any of RSCA owned Reserve property without prior written consent from the Board. The same is true of property owned by the City of Houston. Violators could be subject to fine and/or arrest. The Board will notify the authorities of the current situation and will seek remediation from anyone found to be involved in this activity.

Kingwood -- and Royal Shores -- is a desirable place to live in no small measure because of the natural, forested beauty in which our community is located. Removing trees without regard to development plans or RSCA guidelines is not only illegal, it also detracts from the appearance and desirability all Royals Shores residents enjoy.

If you have any knowledge of who may have cut down the trees in the aforementioned area or if you see any suspicious activity, please immediately notify a member of the RSCA Board

Your RSCA Board

Ben Graves, Fred McCarty, Larry Combs, Sandy West-Graham

March 4, 2014

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